Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Is the Star of David the symbol for all mankind?

I would like to start off by saying that I am not quoting scripture. I am not, in fact telling anything that I have been taught about christianity, God, or the Bible. I am merely spouting my own beliefs about a symbol that has captured man's attention for the last 8,000 years or so. This symbol about which I am verbating is one that has popped up in most cultures in the eastern hemisphere. To the pagans of Europe, it was the symbol for mankind itself. To the peoples of Africa and the Middle East, it has always been the symbol of the people of Abraham. I am talking about the star of David.
Many who read this will think to themselves, "*scoff* This is bullshit. Europeans didn't even have a six pointed star."
The symbol for woman in many european cultures is the cup, and is often shown as an up-side-down triangle. The symbol for man in these same cultures is the sword or spade, and is depicted as a triangle that is right-side-up. (It's so interesting that we use the word up in both of those colloquiallisms.) Now, when you put together the symbols for man and woman, what do you get? That's right, boys and girls. You get a six pointed star.
Now, I'm quite certain that the deplorably uneducated christians among you who actually stumble across this blog must be thinking to yourselves, "Why six? Why did God make the star of David (or Davey as I've heard some telepreachers refer to him as) a six pointed star? Isn't 6 the number of the beast?"
The number of Lucifer is not 6. The number of the beast is 666, and I don't mean six-hundred and sixty six. It's not mearly a number, but a mathematic equation. The number is actually six by six by six, or 6 to the third power, or 6 cubed. I must stress however that you take the equation for the metaphor that it seems to be. Six is most certainly the number of man. By that reasoning, I believe that it is safe to assume that when the Bible talks about the number of the beast, it is talking about his very nature. He will be as man to the third power. I am rambling and I should get back to the subject.
If you open your bible to Genisis, you will find that it says that man was created on the sixth day. I know that a lot of people get confused here, because churches like to tell you that Adam was the first man. He wasn't. Adam was created on the eighth day. Another thing that you have to factor in here is time difference. I can't think of book, chapter or verse off the top of my head, but I am quite certain that at one point, the Bible says that a day to God is as a thousand years for us. I believe that this was meant to be taken literally to help with the time confusion. So, we have the begining of this earth age. Five thousand years have passed. Animals roam the earth again. The sixth day has arrived. On this sixth day, in this period of a thousand years, God created man. Then, after a couple thousand years, he decided to create Adam in the garden; for the purpose of tending the garden.
I'm sorry to be so wordy with this. I just want to make sure that I have made my point perfectly clear by the end of this rant.
Now, as to what many others who are reading this are thinking. "This is bullshit. This guy has no idea what he's talking about. There weren't even any Hebrews in Europe when those tribes that used the cup and the sword as symbols were around."
Have you ever heard of the Caucus mountain range? You should google it (especially for my sake. I'm not sure about my spelling sometimes.) The Caucus mountains were where the Hebrews who fled to Europe made their crossing into said continent. Thus the name Caucasian.
Do you know what the word Saxon means? It means literally, "son of Isaac."
Let's not forget also, that God has a plan. Do you think that he did not calculate that many of his children would use such simple and memorable symbols to depict their humanity? God knew. He knew because he knows us. He created us long before this putrescent, fleshy existence that we now endure. He knows how our minds work. Don't get confused and think that I mean that he controls us. He gave up the power to control us. He gave it up so that we could love him of our own accord. God most certainly has a plan, and these numbers and equations are hints for us so that we can follow his plan and be on the correct side of the gun when it fires. Speaking of numbers...
Let's talk about the number 23 for a moment. It's such a captivating number isn't it? So many famous and tragic deaths associated with this number. Here's another famous death to associate with the number 23. Read the 23rd psalm of David. It starts off, "My god, my god, why hast thou forsaken me?"
For countless generations, (ok, not countless, more like 500 or so) people have known that the number for man is 6. It was not until the puritans started infecting people with their dogma and fire and brimstone that people started thinking that the number of man is 5. Whatever... this monkey's going to heaven. I blame the entire lack of biblical education on the Puritans, Quakers, and every other denomination that thinks that those "Left Behind" books have a valid point. (I especially detest the entire idea behind the show "The 4400")
In answer to the Left Behind series, I feel that I must quote singer, songwriter, Voltaire. "God thinks you're a waste of flesh. Oh woh. God prefers an athiest. Oh woh." To quote God directly, "I would rather that you were hot or cold. If you be luke warm, I shall spit you out." In other words, no fair weather believers.
I know that there are some of you who may think that I am being overly harsh and judgemental of LaHaye and Jenkins. Let me just say that I'm not the one who will be judging anyone. The Bible speaks of false prophets, those who would twist God's word for their own agenda. They know God's word front to back and yet they play on this idea to make money from it. "Self riteous, judgemental; first to throw stones, and use his name for your own agenda."
I am Christian. I am pro-choice (please choose adoption). I am pro-constitution. I am a juggalo. I'm so goth that I shit bats. I am the last person that you would expect to hear Bible thumping from. I hate bible thumpers. I will not use God's name in vain and say that I am right, based on some illogical argument that my faith makes me right. I will most certainly not say that all of Christianity has the right idea. What I will say is this. If you don't believe what I'm saying, research it. Get a King James Bible and a Strong's concordance. Take the Bible back to it's original meaning and learn the truth for yourself.
Second Thessalonians, chapter 2, verses 1-4 reads, "Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God, shewing himself that he is God."
I take this to mean that we should not follow blindly anything that anyone tells us about the Bible and what it truly means. It means that we must find the answers for ourselves through dilligence and study. If you find a good teacher who teaches the whole Bible, then you're doing well. If not, you may unfortunately be on your own with your studies.
Don't let any man lead you. Not even me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


It seems that fiction is offensive. Someone has read one of my stories on blogspot, and finds something about it to be offensive. If you read this, then please read my story before it is summarily deleted. Perhaps someone could leave a comment telling me what it is that they find offensive. Family members need not tell me what they think is offensive. I already know what your answer will be. Really I'm just dumbfounded that you found Take Not the Stars offensive, and not Spider Lake Blues. That story is far more vulgar and explicit. Perhaps you just haven't entered the world of Jack Bowman yet.