Monday, August 17, 2009

How Dares Yous

I feel an awful pang of guilt over the present development of the english language in it's written form. It is my generation, the tv generation, that has allowed this abuse of the written word to proliferate. For instance, how many people know what the word proliferate means??? I am thoroughly disgusted with the way that people are typing things up. Im iz a ninja is most certainly not saying, "I'm a ninja, bitch!!!". I am just entirely fed up with people writing entire blogs in this unintelligible drivel. Oh yeah, before you bitch at me, children, look up the words that I'm using so that you can be properly offended. This outrage has reached the point where people are applauding such "creative" use of typography. I doubt very much that the people who are doing this even know the definition of the word typography. It is unfortunate that we are allowing such troglodytes to reach adulthood. The Spartans would have thrown them to the wolves at age 5. I'll not say that I'm the brightest bulb in the Broadway sign, but I'm a damn sight closer than someone who thinks that "Why you no seeked?" is proper use of the english language. Try reading something above a third grade reading level for once. The Star and Southtown don't count!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those newspapers and all newspapers like them are written at a third grade reading level. Try something like the Tribune or New York Times. Perhaps you could try reading Stephen King. I would hate to see the smoke billowing from your ears while attempting to read Jane Austen or Melville. I don't even hear such terms used in the most dumbed down music on the radio, though I must say that BSB and all subsequent groups of the r&b, rock, and pop genres have certainly made their contributions to this pandemic plague of pronounced pissery. (Yes, I just made that word up. Sue me.) I just watched Johnny Mad Dog recently. I thought that the film was intelligently written, superbly filmed, and well done over all. Many of the characters spoke with a dialect which made them almost unintelligible without subtitles. This is a case where it is appropriate to use a bastardized form of english. These kids were raised speaking a mix of english and their own native language. It's kind of like Portuguese. I know perfectly well that english is just a bastardization of at least 7 different languages, the most prevalent being German. Present english isn't the same as Olde English. Olde English wasn't even the same as Anglo English which was spoken in Britain before the invasions of the Romans, the Saxons, and the Normans. Very very few living would recognize Anglo English. English has always been an ever swirling miasma of foreign influence. The problem that I have with what is going on now is that this is not the result of foreign influence. Spanglish is the result of foreign influence. No, no. This is the result of blatant and disregardful apathy. This is the result of parents caring so little about how their children speak the language that they were raised with that they think it is cute when a word or syllable is raped by the mouth of an adolescent. This is a result of Left wing and Right wing bipartisan-ism. This is a result of people hating the past and themselves for what their family may be assumed to have done in the past because of the color of their skin. This bastardization of the present English language is the result of fear and loathing compounded with apathy and ignorance. That is why it offends me so. Perhaps I am looking too closely at the subject, but I honestly think that I have hit the nail on the head. Let me know what you think.

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